Superpower “Green Tea” for Your Diet

Of course ITOfrIENd knows, there are many benefits that can be obtained from green tea. It would be great if we could add this superpower drink to our daily diet menu list.

Green tea has high catechin compounds. Catechins are a group of antioxidants that are included in the polyphenol group, namely a group of natural compounds found in plants. There are 3 compounds in catechins, namely epicatechin, epigalocatekin, and epicatechin error (EGCG). EGCG is the active compound in green tea that is most often associated with health benefits.

Apart from green tea, we can get a source of catechins from other sources such as apples, strawberries, cherries, chocolate and seaweed. The antioxidant power of catechins can work to ward off free radicals and reduce the risk of various diseases.

Free radicals are naturally produced by the human body when he is exercising or when he has inflammation. This is an indication that the body is working properly and normally. When free radicals work properly, they can help the body fight pathogens. However, free radicals create chemical chains when they encounter other molecules or are oxidized. The amount of radical substances that are too dominating or not in balance with the amount of antioxidants in the body will actually create a condition known as oxidative stress. People who experience oxidative stress are more susceptible to attacks from various chronic diseases.

External factors that can cause oxidative reactions are:
– Ozone
– Cigarette smoke
– Vehicle pollution
– Pesticides in chemical liquids
– Consumption of alcoholic beverages
– Consume foods that are high in sugar
– Eat fatty foods

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After knowing the causes of oxidative stress, there are 2 ways to avoid it that can be applied simultaneously, namely maximizing the intake of antioxidants into the body and minimizing external factors that cause oxidative reactions above.

Routinely drinking antioxidant-rich superpower drinks such as green tea is one way to maintain the supply of antioxidants in our bodies. You can brew green tea at home or work. But for those of you who want to be even more practical to drink green tea, ITO EN Oi Ocha Unsweetened Green Tea is the solution. All ITO EN fresh tea healthy beverage products sold in Indonesia are the result of naturally brewing natural ingredients without the addition of chemical substances such as artificial flavors, preservatives and dyes, processed using Aseptic Filling technology to preserve their natural flavors. Also all ITO EN products do not contain sugar and other sweeteners, so they have zero calorie. Safe to drink regularly, as safe as drinking water without fear of diabetes or obesity, with the bonus of natural antioxidants from tea. Therefore, every ITO EN product has no added sugar in it. Apart from avoiding the body from the risk of diabetes, ITO EN holds very tightly to the natural goodness in one bottle of Oi Ocha. The polyphenol compounds contained in Oi Ocha can stimulate the growth of good bacteria and fight bad bacteria such as E. Coli and Salmonella.

ITOfrIENd want to experience the superpower benefits of green tea for the body? Let’s drink regularly and enjoy the freshness of fresh green tea ITO EN Oi Ocha every day! Let’s #gantilebihsehat our diet menu!

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